In today's episode, I'm interviewing Creative Entrepreneur and Author, Hope Alcocer.
BGC ANNOUNCEMENTS * Welcome to the 33rd episode of the Boss Girl Creative Podcast!! In Today's episode, I'm interviewing Creative Entrepreneur and Author, Hope Alcocer.
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INSIDE THIS EPISODE * Overcoming stress and anxiety
* Being multi-passionate
* Handling burnout
* Daddy-daughter moments
* Finding balance through being chill
* Turning on your phone on silent
* Practicing affirmations
* Staying organized with a planner
* Living your life in a balanced way
* T-Swifting
RESOURCES MENTIONED ThinkUp (Positive Affirmations app for ios)
Kate Spade Planner Asana Louise Hay (Positive Affirmations)
SHOUT-OUTS Emily Giffin Natalie McNeil FIND TAYLOR ONLINE Blog - Instagram -
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@pnkheelspnktrk FIND HOPE ONLINE Website -
The Life of Hope Facebook -
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@hopealcocer Instagram -
@hopealcocer Book -
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